The "home" that Trace is sent to in the end of the first is a false one, a dream conjured up by the the Rusalki "Veruska," who is referred to as "The Dreamer" who creates "mind worlds" (or at least the only Rusalki willing to admit it, whatever that means). But Trace/Athetos did not reach Sudra until after the events of Axiom Verge 2, and by that time the Rusalki were created. He developed the theory of everything with Hammond, and Hammond went on to create the ansibles and open up a way to Kiengir (the world from the second). Trace did endure the blast that robbed him of his sight and left him crippled, but he did not end up in Sudra at that point. The Trace you play as in the first is a clone of Athetos who could have come into existence at any time after Athetos released the pathogen. This is how the Rusalki and such were all created. Drushka had the ability to go "upstream" in worlds, which have higher levels of technology. "Rusalki," the term for the computer beings from the first, comes from the Slavic term for a mermaid like being, the spirits of drowned women, rusalka (hence why Elsenova refers to herself as a water machine or something?). Drushka, the leader of the Kazahks in the Emergence, is referenced by name in logs in the first. "The Emergence" is just Sudra (the planet from the first) from long before Athetos arrived. The final boss was definitely meh though.Īxiom Verge 2 is a prequel to the first. I think maybe they could have used a different BGM to denote their presence though.

On the whole I didn't find the bosses to be very disappointing at all, I thought they were pretty much in line with the first Axiom Verge's bosses, which were generally actually pretty basic.

It lacks the finality of the first Axiom Verge's ending. When I figured out those weird eye rock things I felt so dang clever. Overall it's a great game at making you feel smart. There's one Health Node fragment in I think Giguna Steppes that is hidden this way that's basically impossible to find without a guide. I will say that some of the optional items were a little *too* mean in their placement-even after I figured out what the compass gem attachment did it's not noticeable enough to be very helpful, especially when there is basically no other signposting. I'm not sure it's better than the first but it's a very good game in its own right.